Children's Church


Children’s Church

Holy Family has a Children’s Church at the 11:00 a.m. Mass.  This Children’s Church Ministry is for our younger children aged 3 – 7 years old and is held in the Conference Room next to the Vestibule in the main Church.  This ministry is to enable parents to focus on the Liturgy of the Word and to give the children an age appropriate Gospel lesson.  The children are called up for a Blessing after the Opening Prayer and are brought back into the church at the Offertory.  Due to the limited amount of space in the meeting room we are not able to accommodate older children (who should be in Mass with their family if they have made their First Communion.)  Moms may come with their child if they wish. Please sign up for this ministry on our Flocknote group page under Children’s Ministry.  Guests are always welcome!

Please try to sit in the same general area each week so your child can find you when they return during the Offertory.  Thanks!


Holy Family Parish Children's Ministry

With the Covid – 19 situation things look a little bit different than normal on Sunday mornings. While we can’t all be here in person for Mass or for our on-going
Faith Formation classes we can still learn about our faith from home. For parents who wish to prepare for the live-streamed Sunday Mass ahead of
time the Children’s Bulletin for this Sunday’s Mass can be found here as a PDF and printed. Appropriate for Elementary aged children:

Children’s Bulletin for August 30th

PARENTS: Please email to sign up to receive the weekly handouts for your child’s faith formation lessons (K-5 th) which can be
mailed to your home or picked up at the Church Office every 6-8 weeks beginning 9/15/2020 AND to register for this year’s Faith formation classes (See link below).

Weekly Faith Formation Schedule